Ephemeral Vigilance

There is an uncomfortable silence, a hole in the peoples’ discourse, where in the corner of society’s eye, where it never looks, things we have been raised to faithfully believe cannot happen are happening.

Of all the dangers to ourselves as we walk the streets in an imperfect world, threats from the unscrupulous to life, limb, and property, we are raised to fundamentally believe that these dangers are aberrations relentlessly discouraged and punished by the world we have built within our borders.

We rejected the absolute power of rulers over the ruled and placed guaranteed limitations upon ourselves to ensure this condition never exists again, and 1,354,664+ of our people have given their lives since the first shot of the Revolutionary War to build and protect this life.

And now we have an insurrection of the highest level of executive power in our government walking the streets in Portland, Oregon, the private army of a would-be king usurping the sovereignty of that state and the personal sovereignty of its people, toward that would-be king’s declaration that he will destroy his political enemies’ strongholds.

Almost entirely in a vacuum of not wanting to believe.

1,354,664+ of our people deserve a greater return for their sacrifice than the expiration of the life they built with the last free election of the United States of America in 2016.

Every person in the world that has ever looked our way with hope that they, too, can live without rulers oppressing the ruled deserve more than this.

We deserve more than this.

The end of Democracy may have come humping a flag and attacking peaceful demonstrators to wave a bible for a photo op, but that is not what the end will look like.

It will look like a shadow in the corner of our eye where we never look.

Heralded and enabled by an uncomfortable silence.