Entangled Proletariats: Spooky Communism at a Distance.

From mid-January through mid-February, Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler sold significant stocks on upticks, divesting from the market.

On February 21st, Republican Senate Intel Chief Richard Burr was secretly recorded advising people at a private function that the market was going to crash. He sold a significant amount of stock, divesting from the market, around this time.

On March 2nd, in the middle of the biggest uptick in DOW history, Republican Senator Ron Johnson sold a significant amount of stock, divesting from the market.

These are just the ones caught so far.

Donald Trump did not admit the severity of the crisis and declare a national emergency until March 13.

After his loyal Republican subjects and their super-wealthy donors were able to save themselves first via the largest organized act of insider trading in the history of the nation.

And then the Wall Street world fell apart like a wildfire, after the Republican-organized accelerant was poured all over everything with the unreal-level insider trading impact of 3500-4000 points dropped first.

It wasn’t until *AFTER* all gains in the stock market in the last three years were wiped out that the public was (more-or-less) finally leveled-with about the health crisis. First, the Republicans and their wealthy donors took the $1.5 trillion they gifted themselves with the tax scam two years ago plus all the good faith investments of all the peons, and cashed-out, leaving everyone else to get thoroughly destroyed.

The Republicans destroyed the economy, aimed a plane that was struggling to hold altitude straight at the ground, and parachuted to safety with everyone else’s money.

Remember this when the corporate entities represented and/or run by these exact same people are receiving $trillions on top of this as 327,968,615 or so American citizens fight over toilet paper like the proletariat of the Soviet Union in the 1980’s.

The Republicans have used Capitalism to do to the country what Communism did to them. Same mechanism, same result.